The cool owner of Rainskates sent us some wheels to check out, and I hate to sound like I’m hyping, but these wheels RAGE! First we tried the Orange 62mm mid Tsunami in 85A. They went so fast compared to our previous name brand wheels that fast carves and hard to reach places in the bowl were easy. They ride much stiffer than a standard 85A due to the core yet they are still smooth. They offer great traction for slicker surfaces and smooth out rough ditches extremely well. Next we tried the Green 62mm mid Tsunami 95A single cut. They offer a nice combo of radius outer edge and an inner cut edge similar to the old school SC Bullet wheels. These were also very fast and just hard enough for that extra power through corners and give a nice, easy, screeching slide when you lay down berts. They also offer a good alternative for skatelite and slick surfaces without sacrificing speed.
Rainskates wheels are a truly unique and innovative wheel in a vast sea of homogenous, over marketed skate wheel choices that are so typical... But don’t take our word for it! Get your own set and feel the difference! You can find these and more sizes/models at better skate retailers and
March 2017