Back In The Day...

The name "Texas Style" comes from the bold, "go all-out and pull it back in" riding of Texas Skaters that definitely had a "style" to it. Friday, May 6, 1988 at 7pm The first of three "Texas Style" Demos began. It featured: Craig Johnson, John Gibson, Jeff Phillips, Dan Wilkes, Danny Webster, and more(please see the D.I.Y. flyer off to the left). It became a roughly annual event for my skate shop, although the third was in November. About 12 years later I decided to make a DVD that shared the name of these Demos and featured video from the second of them.
...And As They Say The Rest Was History.

Well... It all started after I saw Dogtown & Z-boys Documentery (whenever that was..) I felt like taking a skate down memory lane. So I went through some old skating footage I shot filled with; Jeff Phillips, Craig Jonson, John Gibson, Dan Wilkes, Ken Fillion and all the other guys from Texas "Back In The Day". I just got a new (MAC) computer (Macs Rule!) it came with "Imovie" and "Idvd". So I decided "Let's Make a home movie of some of this stuff!". About half way through it I decided, I should make a DVD where other people can see this great footage! And so it began, I started selling some at my shop in Arlington and some on eBay! Eventually I went on to make DVD's of the Soul Bowl events and The Texas Skate Jam for Make A Wish. Anyway sorry to get off subject, it's been about FOUR years since all this and it's still my best seller! "When you look at everything good that ever happened to me it's because of skateboarding" to take one of the greatest quotes ever, from Stacy Peralta. There is still some footage of mine left, so who knows maybe there is a "Back In The Day Texas Style 2" waiting to be released some day... (Written circa 2006 for the official MySpace page)

According to the Myspace write-up it's been 7 years now(as of 2009), and after many years of talking about it(especially over the last year or so) I'm finally continuing the Texas Style Series. The sequel to "Back In The Day Texas Style" is complete and available in the store - sales help keep this online zine going too. Not only that, Texas style pushes forward with new old photos and videos mixed with more current ones plus interviews, product reviews and such. (More to come as it happens).
Zine raging forward

The webzine is growing in content and views daily and it's cool to be able to share all this great stuff that's accumulated as well as great skating happening now. We have the new webzine logo going on T-s and more. Once again sales support the site. Lot's of great stuff in the works so keep dropping in.
Thanks to all our sponsors that help make this possible.
Thanks to all our sponsors that help make this possible.
The Evolution Of Texas Style 88 - 09
1st Demo Flyer 2nd Demo Flyer 3rd Demo Flyer DVD Cover 1.0 DVD Cover 2.0 2nd DVD Cover