What a great event! killer skating by Chris Gentry, Mike Crum, Neal Hendrix, Hosoi, PLG, Jake Brown, Darren Navarrette, Al Partanen, Gary Morris, and more. Hosoi grabbed a vintage Sims Phillips set up, dropped in and started off a nice series of tribute runs on it that included Gary Morris, PLG and Al Partanen. Lot's of Texas legends like John Gibson, Todd Prince, Craig Johnson, Billy Smith, Buckit hangin out, signing stuff and adding to the party! Big thanks to Mike Crum, Oliver and his ramp crew that busted ass insane hours to make this possible and Billy Smith for his electrical input and anyone else I may have forgot. Cool photos of Phillips and also ones by Neal Hendrix inside the warehouse added more to check out. First few photos of a rider will be named so refer back if in doubt. Some we don't have names for so feel free to contact us with updated info. PracticeVintage Sims Phillips Board runs.Additional shots By Tony -Entropy Skateboards
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Texas Style 1