This was a great 2 day event filled with skateboarding, bands, a car show and one big party with no rules like the SUAS events back in the day. Oliver, Mike and the whole overground crew did a great job adding a new indoor course to go with a massive vert ramp and mini ramp. Day 1
Some serious vert demolition that carried on well into the dark. Skaters = Troy Chason, Chris Gentry, Justin Lynch, Neal Hendrix, Jon Comer, Henry Gutierrez, Adam Effertz "Scissors", Raney Beres, Chris Wilkinson, Adam Wiggins, Jeremy Smith, Lance Childers, William Cortez, Steve Workman and more. All this followed up by some more skating indoors and a live band. Lot's of shredding on the bricks of the bank wall, wall rides with one to the ceiling beam with a grab to drop fakie. Highlight was when Raney did a FS Wallride to air throught the corner to wallride out.
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