Skating, Punk shows, and tearing it up like the legends before - Texas Style. His skating does the talking. But he let us ask him some questions anyway. Here we go the usual when/how did you connect with skateboarding? Was it from a hyped up video game? Some kids on my bus made fun of me for rollerblading, havent looked back since. Why not baseball or something? I guess i wasnt into it. Did you ever want to be a vert jock or street flipper? I skated street before we had a park but i was still really into launch ramps, i ended up getting a gator reissue and it was all down hill from there. What are not your goals in skateboarding? To make money, or sell my soul to the industry, i cant stand televised contests, skateboarding has lost its meaning. OK we'll get deep and serious for a moment... you have a style that's old but are young, intentional i'm sure, so how'd you pull that off? old guys heckled me, they still do. Who are some pros worth drawing style and influence from? old Texas skateboarding, todd, gibson, roper, pennington, donalson, and phillips of course. jason jessee, bod, monty, ross goodman, mike conroy, blaize, the guiterrez brothers, and all the east coast dudes were way sick too Ever skate with any of them? Pennington, that dude still kills it at 39. Craziest andrecht to fakie ever, and basically anything else you wanna see. What's the best thing you've skated? worst spot? slappy curbs? kinked pools? i dunno, the worst is usually the best. You've hit every skaters goal and got sponsored, so I imagine you thought you'd be jet setting the world in expensive skate clothing brands and going to demos in limos - what went wrong? you can make money off skateboarding? What is the proper way to carry your board when cruising the mall? well if you hang out at the mall youre obviously too cool to skateboard! When are you going to get your own reality show about how hard is to be a rich and famous pro skater? It used to be punk rock and hated. What will you do when the sk8 media hype bubble bursts and you may have to get a real job? I'll live in my van in the northwest and mow yards to get gas to drive to orcas every couple of weeks. Seriously though, ever thought about building skateparks? luckily joe dirt went and did it so i kinda got into it, you gotta build shit when youre sick of the 12 year old kids smoking cigarettes at the skatepark.. What would you design? pool replicas everywhere! Here's some random thoughts for you to respond to. Ditches or Pools pools! Skatelite or Crete plaster. Time for the obligatory music section with AlecTXPunk questions. What's your favorite emo band? is justin beiber emo? What's your favorite lady GaGa costume? when shes naked, but i heard she looks like a dude? What's your favorite outfit from Hot Topic? the eyeliner makes everything, Vnecks help out too. Who's better Motley Crue or Wasp? RATT! Oh you like sk8punk so what's your favorite Avril Lavigne song. I bet it's skaterboi... nope, thats way too punk for me. alright...If you could take over a radio station what bands/songs would you play? Fearless Iranians From Hell. Best bands to skate to? im really into maximun rocknroll by NOFX right now, everything after hat went south. Favorite spots. the ones we havent found, preferably vacant backyards. Favorite tricks. the tricks i can do Places you'd like to skate and haven't yet? the arizona desert. Anyone you'd like to thank. thanks to mike and fat kevin at cockfight, lloyd and carol at surfhouse! coolest people ever! brewster at circa, and ken at pinks pizza. Brandon my brother, adam wiggins the dyslexic kid, and my dog, gallero. Did we offer to pay you enough to give the right skate politically correct answers? Its cool, i got to use the computer while everybodys asleep. Any closing comments or nonsense? Dont take the money, build stuff yourself, dont wait for it, go get it on your own.
Anything is appreciated!
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